Why are we such a big mess?

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Why are we what we are?

Hey guys,

What is wrong with our own God's own country? It is election time and we are yet to decide between the devil and deep sea...... Well, some one said there is another choice who is yet to find its foot print in kerala, yes we also have a choice to choose a gutter too.....

God, in you land, why dont you give us more choice, i dont want to vote for the devil, nor deep sea and neither gutter gives me my choice. I want it to be some one or something that can understand the feelings of the mallu population. we want jobs available in and around our place, i dont want to go out looking for a job, i want to live with my people in my own land and stop being a refugee. I want better facilities, better roads and better connectivity. When then hell are we going to get all that.

When will our politicians stop thinking about themselves and spend some spare time for the public?

Hey i think we must have an alternative, we want educated people to form a unity government that works like a non profitable organization and decide and impliment what is best for people. I am happy to see singapore and to know that things can be like this, i guess we should emulate the singpore model by taking all it good properties and shaping it to suite our state and impliment it with professionalism.

We are not short of anything except self respect and self confidence. Time has changed, it is time for each of us to take some risks. We are so much short of the ability or willingness to take risks. No wonder we are still what we were years ago, everything short of the money our young people remit from overseas is piece of shit. Our polititians are highly successful in keeping us devided and suppressed of our right to good living.

When will we wake up..............?